I had the pleasure of being one of the first people to know of their "officialness" (that's right, before the facebook moment ;) and yes, I DID keep the secret just fine for the record. hehe.) It was such a fun moment. Their dating relationship was darling, and during the Christmas season, John proposed to Lori by placing the ring on the top of her Christmas tree. He placed it on the Angel's wings, which, mind you, he hand made just for his special woman. Can I get an "awww"? They are one of the sweetest couples and it was such a pleasure to take their pictures. I can't wait for their July wedding! If you notice something about John & Lori with these pictures, it's that John is always looking at his soon to be bride. It's quite precious, really.

They are so smitten.

Little fact about this couple, John is 6 foot tall, and Lori doesn't even reach 5 feet. It's quite darling to see them together.

With every compliment I gave, John immediately put back on Lori. "So beautiful guys! Perfect."
"Isn't she though? I think so too." Oh John, such class. :D

"Perfect, just stay right there!" "Oh, don't worry Anne, I love to look at this all day."
Is your heart melting yet? They just glow in these pictures and it's not hard to see why!

I used the words "darling" and "precious" about 60 times for this shoot. They have such a kind, energetic, playful, and special relationship!

Oh hugs. <3

My favorite quote from the day was when I mentioned how well John does caring for Lori and how he talks to her. He replied, "Well, you know. I kind of like this whole flirting thing and being able to do it." With a big grin. :D

Yaaaayyy we're getting married!

John & Lori, I'm so happy with how your pictures turned out and it was a pleasure to take them. Happy wedding planning!
I'm in full swing with highschool graduation and finals so life is pretty crazy right now, but I hope to get a personal post up soon to update you all!
Stay Beautiful,