Monday, May 24, 2010

Goodbyes and Carriage Rides

Summer always seems to begin with goodbyes. Some are good, some are bad. Saying goodbye to finals and long papers? Yeah, i'd call that good. :D But saying goodbye to friends is always something I hate. I won't be able to hang out with my buddy, Emmie, every Friday in bio class.. Emmie and I are extreme laughers. Hardcore, can't breathe, faces red, laughing so hard sound doesn't come out, laughers. And I love it to death. :D We had so many fun memories in our little biology class.

Thankfully she goes to church with me, so yay for Sundays! :D
I think one of my hardest goodbyes was for my friends Jessica and Josh. They go to AWANA with me, and not my church, so seeing one another at church isn't gonna happen.. Booo!

Buuuut we have promises of starbucks runs, walk around the park nights, and just fun little dates. I'm so grateful for them!
So now that we've said our goodbyes.. How about some SUMMER!!! I'm stoked. :D My summer pretty much equals, birthday ball to plan, books to read, lake days, business to grow, lives to invest into, and crazy awesome vacation to go on! :D
Mackinac Ilsand, in Michigan, with my best friend and family? Um, yeah. I support that. :] When I told my friend, Rachael, her reaction was "Oh man, we'll get great pictures!" Yeah, between her D40, my D40, and my dad's D3s, there will be lots of pictures. ^_^ Best part is there aren't any cars on the island, so everyone has to walk, bike, or go on carriage rides. Holler! I'm so excited to see what God has in store!
Stay Beautiful,

Monday, May 17, 2010

Portrait Session-Tori

Oh my goodness. I just love Tori. She has her own lil spunk and a totally-different-from-me personality. We've been friends for over 3 years and she's done many photoshoots with me. One of the times it was FREEEZING outside, with high winds, and I thought it was a wonderful idea to do a shoot. Yeah, we froze, and the pictures didn't even turn out. But it was fun! We still talk about it everytime I ask to do a shoot. :D "Okay. But am I gonna freeze this time??" Hehe. My bad!

This is definitely a different feel then my normal pictures, but I love it!

This girl can rock the camera behind and in front. I've been so impressed by the pictures she's taken with my camera during shoots! :D

Rocking the purple hair. :D (Told ya she wasn't like me! haha)

Adorable? Yeah, that's her. :]

You little monster drinking winner.

Love <3
Stay Beautiful,

Friday, May 14, 2010

It's done.

I am finished! Finally finished with biology. Forever!! It feels goooood. ;) No more dissections, or quizzes, or huge midterms, labs to fill out, or flash cards to make. I'm free :D

(Here's some pictures my friend, Tori got of me during Jessica's shoot. I'll be blogging Tori next!)





Sunday, May 9, 2010

Portrait Session-Jessica

Oh my. I had so so so much fun with Jessica this weekend taking her pictures! She's never had a photoshoot done before and me being the friend that I am just HAD to change that. ;) I love what I was able to capture.


Jessica is one of my closest friends. We haven't even know each other for a year, but our relationship is so amazing. Her Godly influence on me is such a blessing and we get along so well. I love her to death!


She's also just a little adorable. Yeah, just a little. ;)

Jessica has the best quality ever. She cares.. SO much! I value that and love it so much. :D

Yeah, she's a winner. :D

She also loves with all her heart. Once you are friends, she's gonna be there for you and bring you under her little "wing" of protection. :] I pretty much love it. XD

She hates spaghetti, can't really keep secrets, and can't multi task.. Just FYI. ;)


Hey Jess? I love you, I think you are just totally sumper, so kind, loving, adorable, and a million other character qualitys. & To be all highschool, don't ever change! :D

Stay Beautiful,

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I've known Matt for several years, so when he asked me to do his senior shoot, I was thrilled, and stressed. We pulled his entire shoot together in one day. Definitely a first for me, but it was wonderful. :D



One of the things I always have my clients do, is give me three words to describe their shoot. Matt's were, "Fun, relaxed, and modern." Um, LOVE! That is my businesses image! :]

Why yes, he can rock a suit and looks fierce. Holler!


Mhmm. Lookin' good!

Besides being a super fab soccer player (Yeah, can you tell I know nothing about sports?) Matt will be attending Liberty University this fall.

Annnnd he just might have some rockin' Liberty pride. ;)

Oh, and God? Yeah, he rocks that pride too. Go Matt! :D



I can't wait to watch you grow in your journey. Congrats, Matt!
Stay Beautiful,

Sunday, May 2, 2010

There's this camera..

that just happens to weigh 18.30 pounds when you put both lenses, the body, and the flash together. This camera is special. And not just special because it's the best Nikon camera on the market right now. Oh no, this camera has a very special little story.


We all remember this story, right? Okay perfect. So now we can fast forward a little bit, to Rome, in a train station, where my Dad's precious camera bag was stolen. We still don't know exactly how it happened, but we know it is gone. They stole everything. (Camera body, both lenses, flash, camera cards, filters, batteries, everything) My Dad had been working on his collection since I was 6. Dad's D1 has been part of the family. I got my love of photography from this camera, and before I purchased mine I used his all the time. Photography is what my Dad and I do together, it's our "thing". Yeah, photography is my job and my passion, but there is a huge sentimental factor that goes with photography because of my Dad, and especially his camera.
So, back in Rome, our hearts are racing and we are searching all through our pile of luggage. It's not there. I sucked my tears back for as long as I could, but within the next 10 minutes I lost it, in front of God and everybody. I felt like my dog had died, and I kept waiting for my Dad to start sobbing with me. He was dying inside. We were crushed and needless to say our whole experience in Rome kinda got killed. The only thing that kept us going on our train ride to Florence was the thought of insurance. *The camera was insured, the camera was insured... We WILL get another* were our silent chants the whole time.
(Here comes the happy part) Dad has wanted the Nikon D3 since it came out in 2008, but we all knew there was NO WAY we could afford it. So, with all the money that we had from insurance, it was a pretty simple decision. Get the D3. But now, there is the new, fancy one called the D3s. ;) So you can bet your bottom dollar that is what Dad got. :] (Yeah we had to fork down a big chunk of change to split the difference that insurance didn't cover, but come on. This was Dad's dream.) It's beautiful, my Dad is in love, and did I mention he is my second shooter? Yeah, I'd call that a good deal. ;)


Look out world, Tim Wesolek is coming. :D
Stay Beautiful,