This week is internship week with the fabulous
Kristen Leigh!
It is loads of fun, and I'm learning A LOT. The first day I learned how to shoot in manual. It was interesting to explore everything my camera had to offer. I had no clue what the iso, f stop, shutter speed, and how everything worked but after many simple shoots I started to get the hang of it.
The first day we shot at J
immie Cone. It was our first time doing an official shoot in manual and I think they turned out pretty nice! We shot Kristen's little sisters, Lauren and Shannon, and we also got some of
Lydia! (Another wedding photographer) After getting our ice cream we were ready to shoot.
Little miss Lauren

Lydia looking awesome. (The sun was a problem but I like it.)

The girl can not take a bad picture.

This just screams diva to me. So adorable.

So Lauren decided to tackle everyone.. :-P

Very fun.

Can you say model for Gap or the Children's Place?