I hope everyone is doing well! I will be leaving in exactly one week for my trip to England & Italy. There is so much that I need to do so I wanted to take a quick second and update you all! I will be gone for over 10 days, and will be spending 3 days in England and then 10 in Italy. I am so excited and nervous for this new adventure. The amount of pictures I will take will be in the thousands, & I cannot wait to tell you all about my trip when I return! I know it will be life changing. :D

(Side note. This is my notebook I will be journaling in. Shout out to one of my best friends, Emmie, for getting me these amazing argyle pens. I am in love with them. :D)
Did I tell you how excited I am to eat gelato almost every day? :] Stay Beautiful! Anne
Thats so exciting Anne! :D Have an awesome time and I can't wait to see all the gorgeous pics you will take!