Back when I did the Wilson's shoot, we also snuck in some quick family pictures of our own. Since both Dad & I are photographers, I couldn't bring myself to pay for another photographer to come. :P So, because I have the BEST care group leaders ever, they graciously said they would love to grab a couple pictures for us! I got to posing and they got to shooting! My family is pretty darn amazing. We have nicknames for everyone in the family, there is lots of hugs, a lot of laughter, and a lot of love. Jamey will mock me when i'm complaining, Dad will call me "goob", Mom will listen to Josh Turner with me, and try to put up with all my craziness, and I'll laugh at Jamey when he does random stuff and his excuse is "Because i'm a man." Gooood times. :D
Mom was all "We gotta get a holding hands picture" and I was all like "That is so over played and tacky, Mom." This would be my solution. :P

My current desktop picture. :]

"Guys, we're are walking way too fast. Hold up." We're just like your family. ;D

Okay, so i'm not even gonna try and explain how much I ADORE my brother. There's 7 years between us and he's my favorite boy in the whole wide world. But, anyway, I look like Dad, and he looks like my Mom's side of the family. We pretty much look nothing alike. When I saw these pictures I was SO happy because I finally found a way to show that we are alike! :]

Just look at that. It's totally the same face. Didn't even try. XD

I could have stayed at this location all day. The colors were so amazing!

Dancin' in the streets. Ohhh baby we're dancin' in the streeets! haha. :P

I like him. He's a keeper.

The momskies and the boy. :) (Told ya we had nicknames for everyone. ;)

GQ cover? You know it. He can rock a bow tie, too. :D

"Heyyy i've got a new lense. Let's try a roll of focus picture!"

Stay Beauitful,