I don't get to see my brother that often, so spending time with him is amazing. It snowed that weekend so we really didn't do much besides go to the game, but I loved it. That night we went and had a sit down dinner with just the two of us and it was SO great. I could have cried I was so happy. The quality time I shared with him was wonderful and I love him so much!

I'm sure you've all heard about it, and now you can see it! We have gotten hammered with snow. 30 inches and counting! It was totally crazy but gave my family good reason to sit at home and be with each other. We spent the weekend watching seasons of NCIS and it was great!

My mom went out with my old point and shoot camera and got some great pictures. Photo credit goes to her! :)

But Anne, why didn't you go out and take pictures of the beautiful snow? Haha. ;) I have been sick for several days now. Besides being exhausted, and half my face being raw from blowing my nose every 2 minutes, I'm starting to get better! I discoverd that Nyquil is the most amazing drug ever. Last night was the first time I actually slept thanks to that beautiful medicine! :D

I hope everyone is a lot healtheir then me! ;)
hope you feel better girl :)