I've known the Wilson's for 3 years now. Mr. & Mrs. are my care group leaders, and some of their kids are my best friends. I did my sweet 16 ball with Julie, since our birthday's are only 1 day apart. Mrs. Wilson has been there for
everything with me, and they are so close to my heart. Their family is so loving and they are by far some of the nicest people I have ever met. Time after time they have been there and blessed my family. Their hearts are made of gold and they're all just so gorgeous. Remember
Jeanette? Mrs. Wilson loved her pictures, so I was thrilled when they asked to get family pictures done. We went to this amazing little park in Gathersburg where they used to live and it was simply perfect.

Gotta love boys. ;)

We found this amazing little street with some of the best fall trees. :) Needless to say we spent a good amount of time there because I just had to soak all of it up for their pictures.

The famous "buddy" picture. Especially with larger families, I love doing the buddy pictures.

Yeah, and Paul may have just totally up-rooted a street sign? ;)

As we're walking towards our next location Paul calls my name, I turn around, and he's just straight up chillin in a tree. THIS is what I call a personality picture baby! :D

Gotta love Peter. Totally made this picture extra special.

Oh, I mentioned Julie & I are friends, right?

Wilson's, it was such a honor and delight to capture your families love. Stay Beautiful,Anne
Awww buddy I LOVE THESE! Your pictures are always so wonderful! My favorite might just have to be Paul walking away with his sign.... ;) Awesome job <3