Back in November I got to celebrate Christina's sweet 16 in PA! I seriously love Pennsylvania. You walk outside and there's an awesome corn field or open field right by your house. Love! The sun was setting and I was all "Guys, we're loosing the sun, it's gonna be gone in 15 minutes" so we rushed outside and did a quick shoot. Rachael is no stranger to the blog, but now you get to meet Christina!

And yes, that's pretty much Christina in a picture. ;) haha

"Stina" or "Nina" as I like to call her is stinkin' hilarious and I love her to death. :)

Let's just take a second to say that this was her testing the lighting shot. Yeahhh girl. :D

{The next day} See what I mean about the corn fields?

"The hills are alive with the sound of musssic!" Oh, I just couldn't resist. ;)
This is my dear Rachael, who is rocking the sun flare pictures, which if you asked her, she would tell you my love of them. ;)

In case you were wondering how we got these laughing pictures, Christina had this thing where she would sing these crazy songs as I shot, and when it was Nina's turn Rachael would do these hilarious things. It was pretty great. :D

This is her sick face. I got that same cold over Thanksgiving (yeah, thanks for that, woman. ;P) and let's just say I looked
nothing like that. ;)

Stina girl, I love you so. Thank you that amazing scrap book on my birthday, I love it a lot. And i'm so very grateful for you. 16 looks awesome on you. :D

{Side note, the new blog design is coming along nicely! Can't wait to get it up and running. :D)
Stay Beautiful,