Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Like" it

I've never been good at running.. You know that random kid who nobody wants on their team because they can't run to save their lives? Yeah, that's me. My New Year's resolution was to be healthier, so yesterday I decided I should go on a run. So I put on my lipstick, pink running pants, cute shirt, favorite earrings, and headed out. I'm pretty sure I've insulted every runner across America. My "run" turned into a jog for 2 blocks, walk for 3, jog for 1, walk for 2....& then sprint home on the last leg. (Yeah, that's right, I sprinted.) So, it was bad, but I really wanted to be able to run like everybody else! Feeling unwanted is just not that great. ;) Speaking of feeling unwanted... I finally caved and got a facebook fan page yesterday! So, please help me feel like there are people out there who read my blog, and like it! This is also a really good way of getting to know me more personally because, yes, I will update it!

Maybe that was a lame attempt at getting you all to like it, but here's the real reason. I've been working on a special project for a while, and it's really starting to come together. Probably by the end of this week it will be finished, and i'm not announcing it on here first. The good ole facebook pages is getting dibs. So make sure you keep looking because it's going to be pretty big deal!


Also, hit me up with what you think of my new logo! That's just a little teaser of what's to come for the blog. :D

Now, if you'll excuse me, my body has sharp pains running through it and i'm coughing all the time. Yay for being an asthma kid?
Runners, i'm sorry.

Stay Beautiful,


  1. the running thing was funny. Maybe running isn't your thing. you want to walk (hardcore but no running) with me on some Fridays while Jamey has practice? It's a good place to start. Except for Caleb all my kids walked before they ran. I hear it's pretty common. Don't worry I won't invite you to basketball.

  2. I LOOOVE your logo buddy! Can't wait to see everything come together! Haha that totally sounds like me when I "run".... Let's just stick to our random buddy jig, huh? ;)

  3. Not a bad idea!
    Are you talking about running indoors or outside?
